On a sunny morning in May, I parked my car on a small street in the Chicago 'burbs and walked the sidewalk, enjoying the quiet and taking in the little row of houses. I walked up the steps to the porch and rang the bell. The thing that always takes me off guard is how easy and gracious people are. I mean, it's not like I assume anyone is going to outright rude the moment I first shake their hand, but it always takes me by surprise how smooth it always goes in spite of my nervousness. H, Beatrix's dad, came to the door and we shot the breeze for awhile, talking about mutual friends, jobs, paternity leave, and his sweet canine pal, Zeus. Beatrix was upstairs with her momma, getting in one last feeding before the session started. After grabbing a few pictures of Zeus and a few details of inside their home, I moved on upstairs. Now, babies never, ever sleep through an entire session, (well, okay, that happened ONCE, but see? it's rare) and Beatrix was no exception. Since she was feeling pretty awake (and just a tinge fussy) I started the session with her all cozied in mom and dad's arms. They were glowing, and I had to do pretty much no directing. You don't really have to coach new parents who are in love with their little...sweet moments just happen. And that makes my job *incredibly* easy. We took a few nursing/burping breaks, had a few outfit and diaper changes, got out some heirloom blankets, and talked about Beatrix's birth story. It's crazy to me that this session took place almost 5 months ago! Beatrix, you have some pretty cool parents, and your sweet little self compliments them perfectly!
Baby Beatrix | Chicago Newborn Photographer
Updated: May 6, 2024